On this website, you will find all the info needed for travelers who need to use an ATM to withdraw local currency or may have to use a bank’s service. And because using abroad a different bank than your card issuer is often charged with big bucks, we have listed here all the ATMs and branches of all the banks in Italy.
Find your desired bank and click on the image to get all the information you need.
Poste Italiane Bancoposta
Deutsche Bank Italia
BNP Paribas BNL D’Italia
Intesa Sanpaolo
Banca UniCredit
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Banca Popolare di Milano
UBI Banca
Credem Bank
Banca Carige
Banco Popolare
Banca Sella
Banca Mediolanum
Veneto Banca