Italy Public Bank Holidays 2024

If you haven’t already exchanged your money in Euros before boarding the plane to Italy, you might be forced to use whatever currency exchange merchants you can find around you. And if you are arriving on a public bank holiday, you will indeed receive a lousy exchange rate everywhere because they know you don’t have bank alternatives. So, we listed below the days that each public holiday is celebrated in Italy for 2024.

Italian Public Bank Holidays 2024

1 JanNew Year's Day
6 JanEpiphany
31 MarEaster Sunday
1 AprEaster Monday
25 AprLiberation Day
1 MayInternational Workers' Day
2 JunRepublic Day
15 AugAssumption Day
1 NovAll Saints' Day
8 DecImmaculate Conception
25 DecChristmas Day
26 DecSt Stephen's Day