BancoPosta is a business division of Poste Italiane, the Italian Post Office. In addition to mail and parcel services, Poste Italiane is a long standing provider of financial and insurance services. It operates in the financial services sector through: BancoPosta, BancoPosta Fondi SGR (a subsidiary of BancoPosta that offers life insurance and investment solutions), and Banca del Mezzogiorno (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Poste Italiane).
BancoPosta was created as a business unit of Poste Italiane in 1999. The bank offers a range of financial services, including: current and savings accounts, foreign exchange trading, payment services (pensions, cheques, post bulletins, etc), banking cards, insurance and investment services. Their credit products are offered via partnership with third parties. All these services are available at Poste Italiane branches.
Currently, the bank has over 5.8 million depositors and 15 million cardholders; and manages €98.77 billion in savings accounts, €41.45 billion of current accounts and postal bonds amounting to €213.7 billion.
Head office:
Via Marmorata 4 00153
Roma, Italy
Customers support:
800.00.33.22 (from Italy)
+39.02.8244.33.33 (From abroad)
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