List of UBI Banca banks with offices and locations, working hours and SWIFT codes in Padua (Padova), Italy.
Banco di Brescia – Filiale di Padova
Via Niccolo’Tommaseo – 35131 Padova (PD)
Tel: 0498755611 Fax: 0498754378
ABI: 03500, CAB: 12100
Information about Italian banks and offices with locations, ATM's, working hours and SWIFT codes.
List of UBI Banca banks with offices and locations, working hours and SWIFT codes in Padua (Padova), Italy.
Banco di Brescia – Filiale di Padova
Via Niccolo’Tommaseo – 35131 Padova (PD)
Tel: 0498755611 Fax: 0498754378
ABI: 03500, CAB: 12100