Veneto Banca


Founded in 1877, Veneto Banca is one of the largest Italian banks by assets. It’s actually the heading bank of the Veneto Banca Group, a cooperative banking group headquartered in Montebelluna, Italy. This giant banking group includes 4 domestic financial institutions and companies as well as 4 foreign banks. These are: Banca Apulia, Banca Intermobiliare (BIM), Claris Leasing, Claris Factor, Eximbank in Moldova, Vento Banca Romania, Veneto Banca Albania, and Veneto Banka Croazia.

The bank’s growth has been fueled largely via the acquisition of local cooperative banks and smaller savings banks. Through its large network of branches, Veneto Banca offers a comprehensive range of commercial banking services, corporate finance products, investment tools, mortgages, insurance, asset management, insurance, and other services. As at 31 December 2015, Veneto Banca Group had total assets of EUR33.349 billion.

The bank requested to list their ordinary shares for trading at the Borsa Italiana’s Equity Market (MTA) in February 2016. Veneto Banca SpA is one of 13 Italian banking institutions under the ECB’s direct supervision.

Head office:

Piazza G.B. Dall’Armi,
1-31044 Montebelluna (TV), Italy

District office:

Via Feltrina South,
250-31044 Montebelluna (TV), Italy


Toll-free: 800 37 37 97

List of Veneto Banca Branches and ATM’s: